Buy-Side Broker

Marvin Calhoun

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Is Looking For

Exchanging two apartment properties for one or two NNN properties

Acquisition Criteria


I'm selling a 9-plex and a 10-plex within 4 blocks of each other, close-in Vancouver, WA for $1.6M each. I wish to exchange them into suitable NNN property. I am of retirment age. I bought these from the original owners, who built them in the early 1970s. They are of qualitiy construction and have always been managed and maintained by the owners. Excellent condition, tenants and location. Hundreds of units being built in the neighborhood. One property is in an "Opportunity Zone" but it is a great neighborhood and area. I'm looking for one or two NNN with essential business tenants. Medical office, auto service or parts related, plumbing, roofing, electrical services, retail hardware or grocery, fuel center with convenience store, etc. Thank you!

Listing Types:

Commercial Industrial Office Retail Special Purpose

Price Range :

$1,600,000 to $3,200,000


Washington, USA United States Texas, USA Florida, USA Utah, USA Nevada, USA Colorado, USA Oklahoma, USA Tennessee, USA


Cap Rate: 4.75% to 7%

Last Updated: 05/31/2022
Created: 2022-05-28T21:19:32Z
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